
So after reading up on how to get a copyright and talking with my co-worker about it, I finally did it. I decided what the heck. I applied for a copyright on my book.

It was not a difficult process, but lots of screens of data to fill out and questions to answer. Once you load all the info, you have to make the one time, non-refundable payment of $35.00. You do this BEFORE you load the item to be copyrighted. They want to make sure they get your money first I guess.

So after I made the payment, it came back and told me all was good and took me to another screen where I could load my work.
It had all kinds of notes in red and bold. The one that really got me was ‘Files cannot be returned or deleted once uploaded’.

So I guess it was now or never. I had to do it.

I clicked on the button to select the file, located it, and clicked on the file name. It came back to the entry screen and now I had to submit it. This is where it got real. I was really doing this. I guess it was ‘real’ when I gave them my 35 bucks a few screens ago, but nobody had still seen it yet….. I clicked the ‘Load File’ button and exhaled. Loudly.

Based on all the rules and notes about the file size and limits on how long a load could take, I was expecting a long wait. Once I selected the file and clicked Submit, it took just a few seconds.

I guess I was anticipating something different but was a little underwhelmed when I got the message ‘Claim submission completed; no further action required’. That was it. Based on the way my palms were sweating and my hands shaking, I guess I wanted more. Like maybe flashing bells and whistles with confetti telling me ‘Yay, you did it’ or something to that effect.

Under the completion message was a little text line that said ‘Click here for more information’. So I did.

It took me to another screen entitled “I’ve Submitted My Application, Fee, and Copy of my Work to the Copyright Office. Now What?” The screen proceeded to tell me that once it was received at the copyright office, I would get an email telling me this. I went and checked my emails and sure enough, I had one from them.

I clicked’NEXT” and was taken to the section labeled “How long does the registration take and when will I receive my certificate?”
I think my jaw hit the floor. EIGHT months! And this is the electronic ‘quick’ method. Sheesh. EIGHT MONTHS!

Now I had decide what to do next…was I ready for anybody else to see it? Decisions, decisions.


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