So I think I have worked up the courage to let someone read my book. A good friend and I were out taking pictures and I let it slip that I was working on a book. Once the cat was out of the bag, she started asking questions and we talked about it. Not really about the book, but more about the process. She was quite supportive and seemed almost impressed that I was doing this. She still has no idea what the book is about, other than a murder mystery. Turns out, she used to be an english teacher and is an avid reader. And…she volunteered to read it and proof it for me. We both had concerns about her doing this, not because of her abilities, but because of how we would handle it. What if she hated it? Or worse yet, if it was so bad, that she gave up on it? We both agreed we would think about it and talk more about it later. (more…)