So I think I have worked up the courage to let someone read my book. A good friend and I were out taking pictures and I let it slip that I was working on a book. Once the cat was out of the bag, she started asking questions and we talked about it. Not really about the book, but more about the process. She was quite supportive and seemed almost impressed that I was doing this. She still has no idea what the book is about, other than a murder mystery. Turns out, she used to be an english teacher and is an avid reader. And…she volunteered to read it and proof it for me. We both had concerns about her doing this, not because of her abilities, but because of how we would handle it. What if she hated it? Or worse yet, if it was so bad, that she gave up on it? We both agreed we would think about it and talk more about it later. (more…)
Pondering on my book again, well, pondering whether or not to write a second one. Everything I read cautions that you should have the second book done before you release the first one…so that when people finish the first one, they will immediately buy the second one.
That is assuming, of course, that they like the first one. But what if it is a flop…and nobody likes it…
So after reading up on how to get a copyright and talking with my co-worker about it, I finally did it. I decided what the heck. I applied for a copyright on my book.
It was not a difficult process, but lots of screens of data to fill out and questions to answer. Once you load all the info, you have to make the one time, non-refundable payment of $35.00. You do this BEFORE you load the item to be copyrighted. They want to make sure they get your money first I guess.
The secrets out….
I was talking with a co-worker one day about non-work stuff and she mentioned a recent play that she wrote. She wrote it herself and her church did a very successful production of it and it was awesome. I asked her if she had copyrighted it.
So I asked….
So now I have a book that nobody has read, a blog that is not created, a second book that is not started, and thinking I am going to just give up. It was a good idea I thought….Ha.
Later that night after dinner, my husband says out of the blue, ‘I finished your book this morning’.
Still Waiting….
So while I was waiting…and waiting…and still waiting for my husband to read my book, I started spending my lunch break reading up on things to do when writing a book.
There is a lot of stuff out there. Really lots. I was feeling overwhelmed….
What is taking so long??
So now I actually had a book. Well, an e-book. Published into a readable document and on my husband’s Kindle. Now I wait. He was not seeing the urgency in getting this done that I was, that was obvious. After a week, he still had not said anything. So one morning, he was up early while I was getting ready for work and I decided to bite the bullet and ask him.
‘So, have you finished my book?’
There was a dramatic pause and then a ‘No.’
And a moment of dead air…silence…..
A first reader….
Well, let me go look at what the experts say. Once again, I went to the website and they actually have a list of things to do when you ‘think’ you have finished writing your book. That first one to re-read it from start to finish, I definitely had covered….
What to do?
So now I had the issue of two weapons. I swear I literally smacked my head with the palm of my hand. How could I have done this? My timeline sure didn’t help. Ha ha.
I went back to the chapter where the body was discovered and re-read it and then read it again. There was no way to make it work by taking the gun out of the discovery of the body. So that meant I would have to re-think the end of the book and the discovery of the second non-existent gun.
Things never to do….
The article was about the things you should never do when writing a book. The number one thing not to do was to write without a timeline or base story written out first. Well pooh, I thought, I messed that up. I hadn’t written any kind of timeline or outline and was just winging it. I had the thoughts in my head but that was as far as they had gotten…..